Sunday, May 10, 2009

Darnell Hackworth

Today I interviewed Darnell Hackworth. He was shy telling his story. He and his wife run a retirement home for the dogs who fought in the war. He told me about the K-9 units that were used to find the infected, and how they never got enough credit. K-9's were first used to sniff the infected, there was something about the zombies that made the dog's go crazy. Darnell was saying that the reason why it was so effective was because of the training. As pups, the dogs would sit across from G's and immediately go crazy, the instinct to kill. I would think that the zombies could infect and kill the dogs while they attack. The main mission of the of any K team was scouting called LRP, Long Range Patrol. To sweep and pick out the zombies and it proved to be very helpful. Without the dogs the war could have been a lot worse.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

General D'Ambrosia

Today I interviewed General D'Ambrosia, he spoke about the army commanders. He said that they had gone through trying to organize the army for the offensive. He made a good point saying that the zombies don't need a pep talk or supplies they just need someone to infect. This was a nightmare for army commanders because all basic and conventional tactics had become useless, you couldn't starve them, you couldn't assassinate their leader, you couldn't block off all their supply routes. He made another good point by saying that having your whole entire population at war was not a good idea because there is just people that cannot fight. Zombies never stopped, they had nothing to stop for. The total war was not a good idea, and should not be carried out. I think that General told me a lot of interesting things.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Terry Knox

Today I interviewed Terry Knox, the commander of the International Space Station. The space station could not be seen from Earth with the naked eye. The purpose of the platform was to refuel all the satellites in space so that none of them would fly into the gravitational pull of the Earth and be ruined. I think that they should have escaped, when they were given the option. He was sitting on the platform with his crew watching humanity die out. I think he could have done something, instead of watching humanity die out. Also, I think that the ultraviolet light could have damaged him.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cienfuegos, Cuba

Today I met Seryosha Garcia Alvarez in his ofie on the sixty-ninth floor of the MAlpica Savings and Loans building which is the second-tallest building in Cuba. The view was amazing. He started off by telling me that the first zombie cases were small mostly containing Chinese refugees and European businessmen. Travel from the United States was still largely prohibited so they were spared the initial blow of first-wave migration. Because Cuba had so many doctors their leader knew the nature of the infection weeks before the first outbreak. Before the Great Panic began Cuba was already prepared for a war. Cuba's invaders mostly came from the sea. Cuba had resettlement camps which Seryosha said were not as bad as prison camps but they put you to work for 12 to 14 hours. Each camp had a rumor about "zombie pits" if you acted bad they would feed you to them. Cuba had 5 million yankees and let 10 percent work outside the camps doing jobs that the Cubanos no longer wanted. Cuba became a very wealthy country and became the air hub for both North and South America.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Demilitarized Zone: Souith Korea

Today I interviewed Hyungchol Choi the deputy director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. He told me how his South Korea was not as prepared for the Zombies as North Korea was. North Korea had rivers to the east and west, a mountainous terrain. They had a heavily militarized population, over a million of their men and women were armed and they had all had to undergo basic military training. South Korea, was way different. They had a total open society, because the international trade with other countries was in their blood. When the Zombies attacked North Korea all the spies disappeared. I think that the interview with Hyungchol was good but he could have given me a little more information.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Interview With Christina Eliopolis

Today I interviewed Cristina Eliopolis who is a fighter pilot for the army. She was one of the best, but didn't have to do much anymore because zombies could only be killed with a head shot. Christina told me a story about the only time she had to execute the training methods that she learned at a camp. She was forced out of an airplane, and left stranded in the middle of a forest. She was telling me that after she landed she thought everything was fine until she witnessed a crowd of Zach devouring her co worker. She was very scared when she figured out she was in the middle of an infested area because a skywatcher told her. The skywatcher told her to stay calm because she knew the area and promised to help get her out. If it wasn't for the Skywatcher, she would have gave up and put a bullet in her brain. She told me that the Skywatcher knew exactly where she was and advised her of certain paths and roads. She yelled at Christina making sure she would get through and be safe. Christina was so lucky that the Skywatcher actually did her job and pushed Christina to safety.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Interview With Jesika Hendricks

Today, I met Jesika Hendricks in Manitoba, Canada at a wilderness park. She was very quick to answer my questions. She first starts off how her family was living nice and quietly in their home without witnessing any zombie attacks other than on the television. She tells me her Dad was all of a sudden panicking and urging to move the family up north where zombies would freeze alive. The reason for her dads panic was because of a local zombie outbreak down the street from their neighborhood when a homeless man had been attacked. If I were in there position I would have gone north too. They made it up North picking up one lady on the way up. Once they get there, it was like a party. Lots of food and cook-outs. Everyone was so excited to be safe. Then they began to run out of food, people were getting angry because of their hunger. They sold their valuable radio for some stew that they needed to survive. I learned from this interview that the zombies can be frozen and then after they melt can be perfectly fine again.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Interview With Bohdan Taras Kondratiuk

Today I interviewed Bohdan Taras Kondratiuk in a room without any windows. He is inn a room with other patients mainly suffering from from respiratory disorders and all made worse because of the lack of usable medication. There are no doctors here and inexperienced nurses. He started speaking angrily about his past. He worked with an armored platoon and they were ordered to oversee and escape route on a bridge. The bridge was supposed to be closed for road traffic. His platoon was waiting for MPs. They were not well equipped to do the job they were told. Bohdan was on radio he wasn't there and he was trying to call for support. Now the zombies were only a kilometer away. He then said that while on the bridge they saw a jet that was going to destroy and kill everyone on the bridge, meaning they'd given up on the evacuation. He jumped in a T-72 tank with a bunch of young soldiers. The jet dropped gas thinking it would kill the zombies but that didn't work and it killed more people creating more zombies.

Monday, April 20, 2009

T. Sean Collins

Today in Bridgetown, Barbados, I interviewed a man named Sean Collins. Mr. Collins was a vet. and could be best described as a mercenary. He was basically a body guard for a CEO or a celebrity. Collins and some other celebrities were watching the news at his bosses beach house and it was showing New York and the dead walking. It showed a man rollerblading holding a hockey stick hitting the living dead. They showed an owner of a baseball store passing out bats to hit the zombies. They were in his bosses house where there is sensors miles away that go off when there is even 1 zombie. The sensors were going off like crazy. They thought zombies could not make it over the huge wall until they thought they saw the zombies were running. Collins managed to get out and paddle out to sea on a surfboard hoping to bribe a boat to take him to New York. I agreed with him on his opinion about celebrities because a lot of them were in this one house when they could have spent money to get away from the infected areas.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fernando Oliveira

Today I interviewed Fernando Oliveira and had to arrive blindfolded so I wouldn't reveal my hosts location. Fernando was a rich doctor that performed medical procedures. He told me about a man named Herr Muller who had an extremely rare genetic defect of dextrocardia with situs inversus. His organs lay in their exact opposite position. Fernando said they needed a perfect match from a donor and certainly enough they got one from China. It was Fernando's first heart transplant and he was saying how this surgery on Herr would help him get a new jacuzzi for his beach house and he was calling his partner a prick. While Fernando was away after the successful transplant Herr slipped into a coma and the doctor went into to see what happened. Herr's eyes shot wide opened and bit Dr. Silva on the hand. Fernando got there and grabbed his weapon and blew Herr's head right off. He did all of these procedures for money and didn't care about his patients until it was under his front door.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Nury Televaldi

Today I met Nury Televaldi at a sidewalk cafe. He transported the infected for money. He knew he was doing something completely wrong, but he wanted the money. He knew that by transporting the infected it could cause an outbreak in the west and possibly start a zombie war. If this happened he wouldn't care about the money, he would just want to be safe. I think he kept on telling himself that he is transporting these people so that they can find a cure in the west, but talking to him about that it didn't seem possible for a cure. Nury helped this outbreak spread to Paris because he transported these people. If Nury wasn't so selfish and let these people die the infected could possibly be gone and not in Paris.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kwang Jingshu

Today, I arrived in China to interview Kwang Jingshu. Kwang is a doctor and still makes house calls. I asked my first question and he told his whole story. He told me about a time where he observed and questioned an infected child. The child began to get angry and ripped his arm out from the chair he was strapped to. He began to tell me about how the special ops came down in their helicopter and he didn't understand why they would have anything to do with these infected people. I don't think that he told me in depth all that happened while questioning the infected child.